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WEBSITE ARCHIVE: Beyond Imagination

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Introduction [11/04/03]
From the HEART: What I ASK NOW! [2/22/98]
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BEYOND IMAGINATION is an entity dedicated to building a better world in which SPIRIT is more fully expressed in flesh. At this site you'll find over two thousand pages of metaphysical works that have come from SPIRIT through WAYNE to YOU describing a VISION of what we are endeavoring to create and documenting our progress in achieving our goals of creating a COMMUNITY where individuals are truly able to be all they can be in a cooperatively interdependent environment where the real needs of all are met effectively. We hope you enjoy what you find here, and that it moves you to want to participate so that we can co-create the WORLD in which we would prefer to live in the Aquarian Age that lies before us.
For a picture of that VISION and access to the related works completed to date, click on the Beyond Imagination image above.


The FIRST foundation is the body of words, of ideas whose time has come, that have been expressed from spirit through Wayne since March 1993. These ideas form the basis for how we as individuals can more thoroughly realize our ONENESS and true nature as SPIRIT in Flesh, and express that in the world in practical ways. This requires acting on the prime directive "KNOW THYSELF" so that spirit can do her works through you and permit the creation of a New World HERE and NOW where spirit, the "I AM THAT I AM" is much more fully expressed through each of us both individually and collectively. The Best of Quotes page is a good place to start. It captures some of the best of the best expressions that came through during the first 10 months of Notes in 1993-1994. The Beyond Imagination Works Page provides brief descriptions of some of the major works in this foundation.  Since the beginning of 2002, the Musings of a Spiritual Warrior has been the area of the most expression.

The SECOND foundation is the BEYOND IMAGINATION School Without Walls. It provides a vehicle for training those who would be the teachers of the New Age. To date, there have only been two students, myself and one other.   As of July 2003, it seems that this foundation is about to become active.  Correction, as of March 2005, that has still not happened.

The THIRD foundation is a Non-Profit Educational/Spiritual Foundation. At this point, it is still on the drawing board, awaiting those who are called to participate.  It is not clear at this time how this foundation should be structured.

The FOURTH foundation is THE SEARCH FOR CENTER: A Community Newsletter. It provides a vehicle for creative information exchange among those who choose to be part of this growing community and who choose to participate in creating the infrastructures that can serve to MAKE IT SO.
This foundation was built from October 1996 through July 1997.  It was terminated due to insufficient involvement from others to make this a "community effort".   It does provide an example of what can be done, however.

The FIFTH foundation is an ECONOMIC ENGINE. This foundation was created on 17 October 1997. It offers PRODUCTS that provide an opportunity for people to choose with their pocketbooks to help fund the Beyond Imagination work and bring it to the world. In the near future, this foundation will be expanded to offer SERVICES as well. FEEDBACK: As of 25 January 1998, only three people have chosen to participate by buying products that are offered here.  MORE FEEDBACK:  As of 2 July 2003, no further products have been sold.  However, we have been moved to publish several Beyond Imagination books.  Nine are out to date.  Please consider purchasing these products.  Your support allows us to continue to carry out our Beyond Imagination mission.

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