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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Why strike fear when self control is so readily available....


ROFLMAO... “Weapon of Mass Distraction!”... LOL.. It’s why TV stations call it ‘programming’!... SMH... If we allow it...

FACTS... Cell phones have already done that to sooooo many individuals. I'll never forget when I heard a total stranger in a store say, "My phone is my life, my everything."

BUT, BUT, BUT...We can be aware and choose for yourself what you believe and know that they may want to change you and just stand firm in what you know is right. 

No need for fear mongering. 

Just be smart about it. Do some research when it sounds too good to be true. 

It can be a great too for learning just like all inventions. 

Maybe watch TV with your children and teach them how to use it wisely. Like with all things. 

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