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Wednesday, January 4, 2006

NEW YORK STATE: News from Assemblywomen Amy Paulin

As we begin this year and legislative session I would like to share with you some some of the accomplishments of 2005. As you may have read, 2005 was one of the most productive sessions in legislative history and truly was a “Year of Reform.” For the first time in 21 years, the budget was passed on time. Most importantly, it is a good budget, giving more money to our schools and municipalities. The Assembly is again committed to the adoption of a fair and on-time budget by April 1 of this year.

“Year of Reform”

Reforming the way the two houses of the Legislature conduct business was a major step forward for the Legislature. Now, lawmakers must be present to have their votes counted and, as of January 4, we are proud to be on cable television with unedited gavel-to-gavel coverage - channel 116. The Legislature also agreed to require lobbyists seeking state contracts to disclose their fees and clients, closed a loophole that allowed state workers to evade ethics fines by quitting their jobs, and moved to increase oversight of the state’s many public authorities. These important reforms make our government more open and more responsible.

Appointed Chair of Task Force on People with Disabilities

I am honored to have been appointed Chair of the Task Force on People with Disabilities. As chair, I launched a strong campaign to extend both the Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage program (EPIC) and the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption program (SCRIE) to people with disabilities, the latter of which was successfully signed into law.

Because the protections of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are in danger due to the frequent scrutiny by the U.S. Supreme Court, the Assembly also passed three bills that reinforce the ADA on the state level.

Emergency Contraception – “Morning After Pill”

After much hard work, my Emergency Contraception Bill passed both houses of the Legislature. This legislation would make emergency contraception more accessible by allowing licensed pharmacists to dispense it. Women would be able to obtain emergency contraception from pharmacies on weekends and holidays when many doctors’ offices are closed. Though Governor Pataki vetoed the bill, I will continue to fight to make it law this year.

Domestic Violence

As former Executive Director of My Sisters’ Place, I remain committed to eradicating domestic
violence. This year I organized “Walk With Me,” the first ever march in Westchester County to raise awareness of domestic violence. Students, community leaders, concerned citizens and victims all participated in this march at Concordia College.

I have also been working in the Assembly to extend the length of Orders of Protection for battered women. Next year I hope to obtain the support of my colleagues and pass meaningful legislation.

Child Fatalities - As a member of the Standing Committee on Children and Families, I was instrumental in holding a public hearing in Westchester County to determine what changes, if any, should the Legislature consider that would improve the fatality review process in New York State and what resources would be required to ensure effective change.

Important Legislation

In terms of legislation, 2005 was a banner year; nine of my bills became law. Highlights include:
Gun Trafficking

My bill, which unfortunately came upon the heels of two deaths of New York City police officers, increases the penalties for both the sale and possession of illegal firearms and closes a loophole by aggregating the number of illegal firearms sold over the course of one year so that gun traffickers face stiffer penalties.
Crime Victims

Arising from a Westchester criminal case involving a child witness, this new law allows the Crime Victims Board to grant compensation to victims whose pre-existing condition was made worse by their unintentional involvement with a crime.


Prior to my legislation, post graduate podiatry residency programs were out of compliance with New York State law. The law had to be changed if these podiatry residency programs were to remain open. It was estimated that without this new law, forty-two podiatry residency programs in New York State would have been forced to close.

Animal Cruelty

It is well documented that cruelty to animals is often a precursor to subsequent crimes against humans. My law requires those convicted of cruelty to animals to be fingerprinted and photographed. This new law addresses a gap that previously allowed such abusers to go unnoticed, but now provides law enforcement and the courts with more complete information, placing perpetrators more concretely within the justice system.

As the new year begins, I have been pleased to reflect on last year’s victories and lessons learned with an eye toward the challenges that lie ahead. There is still much to do and I look forward to serving the 88th Assembly district. As always, feel free to contact me any time I can be of assistance. Have a happy and healthy New Year.

Amy Paulin

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